With your SMSFactor account you can integrate for free our SMS API in your application.
This API allows you to integrate in just a few lines all our sms sending services in your software, website, application, CRM… in PHP, JAVA, NET, ASP or any other language.
To facilitate your sms integration, SMSFactor has made a documentation available online, and updates it regularly.

A complete and regularly updated API


We wish to put all our innovations at the disposal of developers. Discover the numerous available options thanks to our API.

Account management

Creation of your account, token API, credits management... You will find all the options related to your account.

Your SMS sendings

SMS sending in unit or in mass, cancellation or simulation... You will find all available options for your sms campaigns sendings.

Contacts management

Importation of contacts and lists through our API, updates, splitting... Discover everything you can do with your contacts directly with our API.


The use of webhooks allows you to receive on your server your delivery report as well as your responses in real time.

Short tracked URL

You can add short tracked URLs in your sms sending and obtain detailed statistics such as the number of the people clicking, time and date...

Why choosing your API for your professional SMS sending?


All our servers are protected and secured to ensure that our databases are sheltered from any problem.


Our API is available 24/7. You have a problem or a question? Our technical team is at your disposal if you need any help


Regularly updated, our API offers many options: responses management, sub-accounts creation and management...

Launch yourself into the adventure

A question?

If you have any technical questions about our SMS API, please contact our support team to the following address:

You are using an ecommerce solution?

Before starting to integrate your SMS sending with our API, do not hesitate to check if we possess an sms module compatible with your solution.

Know more