Kampagne mit einer Liste

Mit dieser Methode können Sie eine Kampagne an eine Liste von Empfängern senden.




Ihre Nachricht
ID der Liste
pushtype Die Art des Versands (alert oder marketing)
delay Versanddatum Y-m-d H:i:s. Muss in der Zeitzone liegen Europe/Paris
sender Ermöglicht das Personalisieren des Absenders
unicode (default 0) Activate the unicode mode, reducing the SMS length to 70 characters


POST /send/lists HTTP/1.1
Host: api.smsfactor.com
Authorization: Bearer your.token
Accept: application/json

  "sms": {
    "message": {
      "text": "Message via API with custom contact information [info1]",
      "pushtype": "alert",
      "sender": "Ganondorf",
      "delay": "2025-03-04 10:52:26",
      "unicode": 0
    "lists": [
        "value": "5a0331bffc5886074551ce97"
        "value": "5a0331bffc5886074551ce98"

POST /send/lists HTTP/1.1
Host: api.smsfactor.com
Authorization: Bearer your.token
Accept: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <text>Message via API</text>
    <delay>2025-03-04 10:52:26</delay>

\SMSFactor\SMSFactor::setApiToken('your token');

$response = \SMSFactor\Campaign::sendToLists([
  'sms' => [
    'message' => [
      'text' => 'Message via API',
      'pushtype' => 'alert',
      'sender' => 'Ganondorf',
      'delay' => '2025-03-04 10:52:26',
      'unicode' => 0
    'lists' => [
        'value' => 45190
        'value' => 47854
], false); // True to simulate the campaign (no SMS sent)


  "status": 1,
  "message": "OK",
  "ticket": "14672468",   //The id of your campaign
  "cost": 2,              //The cost of your campaign
  "credits": 642,         //Your credits after your campaign has been created
  "total": 2,             //Number of message before filtering
  "sent": 2,              //Number of message after filtering
  "blacklisted": 0,       //Number of blacklisted numbers
  "duplicated": 0,        //Number of duplicated numbers
  "npai": 0               //Number of npai numbers
  "invalid": 0,           //Number of invalid numbers
  "not_allowed": 0,       //Number of SMS sent to a not allowed country
  "flood": 0,             //Number of SMS filtered by anti-flood
  "country_limit": 0,     //Monthly limit for this country reached
